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Primary 6 continues to work hard and they are enjoying spending time together. It was really lovely to speak to you this week and update you on your child's progress and general well-being. I am looking forward to chatting with more of you on Monday.

For reading we have listened to the next chapter of The Dog Walking Consortium by Barbara Henderson. We enjoyed writing a report on Sniffer dogs.  Whilst reading in our groups we focused on using our voices more effectively to suit different characters in our novels. This will make our reading more interesting to the listener.

In Maths, we are working very hard on fractions.  We can identify different types of fractions and can all find equivalent fractions.  We looked at adding and subtracting fractions with the same and different denominators.  There has been lots of super working out using wipeboards and pens.

We are finding the life of Mary, Queen of Scots very interesting and wrote an informal letter from Mary to her mother telling her all about her life at the court of King Henry and at the court of  Versailles in France.  We completed stained glass windows and they are just wonderful.

For Health and Wellbeing ,we have been collecting organic matter for our bug hotels that we will start constructing next week. Thank you for all items sent in from home.  They are in boxes and will be quarantined before use. The lovely warm weather has also been a bonus this week and has put everyone in a good mood. We now know all the dance steps to Jerusalema and cannot wait to add a variety of instrument playing into our performance.

We also had excellent discussions about one of the quotes from The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse:  "This storm shall pass". Everyone drew their own interpretation of a storm, Some people chose to draw a literal storm and some people drew an emotional storm.

We are all enjoying taking part in the Royal Mail's postage stamp competition and everyone took some time to research who their heroes were during the pandemic.

We hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

Primary 6 and Mrs Wehmeyer