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It has been another great week in Primary 6!

A highlight of this week has been the work everyone has been doing on their Personal Projects about the Ocean using Digital Literacy.  We have learnt a lot in ICT about manipulating images, using Word Art and researching techniques. Children are using their tech skills very well to create these projects and each one is unique and special. Alongside this fantastic paper tearing collages of Sea Creatures has been made to include in the personal projects.

In writing the fabulous stories about the life of s specific Sea Creature have been completed with imaginative use of figurative language techniques.They are just fantastic!

In Numeracy lots of hard work has been done on adding bigger numbers using the column method.  

We continue to enjoy reading from our class novel 'Wonder'. It has sparked lots of thoughtful discussions with super contributions from everyone. 

Have a wonderful weekend!
Mrs Wehmeyer