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Primary 6 continue to try their best in every aspect of their work. There is super  learning happening in class with lots of happy, smiling children.  It is a real pleasure to be in class. 
The personal projects on "Oceans of the World" are developing very well and everyone is enjoying using their imagination, art skills and ICT skills to personalise their projects.   There has been lots of learning about the mysterious ocean.
In Digital Literacy there has been a focus on how technology is used in everyday life.
In Writing the children are constructing an Imaginative story with a bit of a twist. Each of them is a specific sea creature and they are using facts they have researched to write about their animal's life in the ocean. Adverbs have been used to start the writing and a lot of figurative language has been incorporated to make the stories interesting and full of atmosphere.
Lots of super work has been done on Place Value with everyone growing in confidence using bigger numbers.
The fantastic 'Kraken Watercolours' are now completed and a start has been made on a paper tearing Collage of a sea creature.
Many thanks to parents for sending children into school with an extra pair of dry socks and shoes on gym days. Just remember to also make sure children have a waterproof jacket with them.
Hope everyone has a wonderful, restful weekend!
Mrs Wehmeyer