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The highlight of the week was a visit from one of the Pars coaches with the Scottish League One Winning Cup. It was an amazing experience to hold such an important trophy, and one that cost so much... £100,000 !!
( we only had one person drop the lid ... )

For Literacy we continued working on our advert for our new product. We had to create a logo and write a slogan for a magazine or TV ad. In Writing we started our playscripts. Working in groups, we researched the necessary featrures of a playscript and chose either to re write a familiar story or make up a new one.  We hope to perform these short scenes next week. In handwriting we copied a short passage all about Dunfermline Footbball Club, ensuring that our work was laid out correctly and neatly. 

In Numeracy we continued our consolidation of work covered this year and practised our number skills, using code breaking activities to complete calcualtions. 

We were building dens using tarps and rope for Outdoor Learning this week, having to share resources and work in teams. In Art we made chalk shadow drawings in the playground which was great fun and then read in the shade once finished.

We have gathered in most of the reading books for this term but kindly ask you to please check for any more at home as we are still missing a few. Thank you for your support in this matter.

Wishing everyone a gloriously sunny weekend.