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I hope everybody enjoyed the long weekend. 

Thursday was our Sports Day. The weather was fairly kind and kept us all dry !! The children were fantastic, showing great enthusiasm and good sportsmanship throughout. It was lovely to see those of you that could make it and we hope you also enjoyed the day. There are photos on our Seesaw page if you haven't already seen them.

In Literacy we designed, drew and wrote detailed labelling for a new product of our choice. Next week we hope to create a magazine and TV advert for it. For Handwriting we copied a poem called 'All About Me' and we had some personal reading time on Friday.

In Numeracy we started a general Level 1/2 assessment to support the consolidation of the work carried out this year. 

In Art we watched a video about paper folding and made and decorated some paper animals, including a dog and a jumping cat. 

We finished off the week with a dress down, pyjama day to help raise Gala funds. 

Wishing everyone a fantastic weekend.

Primary 5B and Mrs Heggie