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A busy week, and thanks to the brighter weather,  we managed to get outside for quite a bit of the time.

In Literacy we looked at the contents page, index and glossary of a book and completed more of our comprehension exercises, which are really diverse and interesting. We finally finished our class novel and were quite surprised at the ending!! We practised our handwriting skills, using a passage all about Stirling Castle. 

In Numeracy we have been consolidating our Measurement work, starting with length. We even got outside to estimate, measure and record the length of objects in the playground, using a measuring tape and writing each measurement in 3 different ways.

For our topic, The Scottish Wars of Independence: Wallace and Bruce, we focused on medieval clothes, comparing the materials, style and colours of the rich and poor, men and women.

In Art we took inspiration from our environment and made sketches of our surroundings, using zentangling to create texture and interest. During Outdoor Learning this week we had the opportunity to paint our class planter. We hope to add some design features before planting it up. 

The highlight of the week was of course our trip to Stirling Castle. We had a fantastic day and were extremely lucky with the weather. Everyone behaved impeccably and loved that the history we have been learning in class really came to life on our visit. Thank you to all our parent helpers who enabled us to go. I'm currently collecting all the photographs and will put them on Seesaw shortly.

We had to say a very sad farewell to Mrs Baxter who retired on Thursday. It was an extremely moving celebration with lots of singing from everyone. We wish her a long and happy retirement.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.