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This week in Literacy we completed a reading comprehension on John Muir, to support this term's Outdoor Learning. We learned about his early life growing up in Dunbar and his committment to the environment whilst living in his adopted home of California. We started our weekly reading and spelling again and for Writing, created a newspaper front page, reporting on the Battles of Stirling Bridge and Bannockburn.

In Numeracy we have been revisiting Information Handling and developing our data reading and interpreting skills.

We are continuing to work on our topic projects and are enjoying learning more about Wallace, Bruce and everyday life during the late 13th/early 14th century in Scotland. 

In P.E. we had a go at Tai Chi as part of our fitness programme and in Art we created some coronation decorations in preparation for next week's celebrations.

We completed our first activity for Outdoor Learning on Wednesday afternoon and really enjoyed being outside; the weather was on our side too. We had to look for signs of nature and record them for our folders. We also learned how to estimate the height of trees without using any measuring apparatus. We had great fun and are looking forward to future activities.

Don't forget that it's a holiday Monday next week and that the photographer will be in school on Tuesday to take individual and sibling photos. Have a lovely long weekend.