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Welcome back to term 4. ( Where has the year gone? ) It's lovely to see everyone back looking so grown up with new hair cuts and summer uniforms - I think some of you have taken a growth spurt over the holiday too!! As the weather warms up the children like to take off their jackets and jumpers/cardigans so could I ask that you ensure that all clothing is labelled as we are finding unnamed items around the school already. Thank you for your continued support in this matter.

In Literacy this week we looked at mnenomics to help with spelling some of our tricky words and had fun creating our own. We looked at some unusual images in writing to stimulate our imaginations and wrote a piece of free writing. In  handwriting we used information from our new topic to support our work.

In Numeracy we have been using co ordinates to plot and move 2D shapes. We also played some games outside to support compass directions.

Our new topic for this term is Wallace and Bruce which we are all really excited about. We hope to learn all about the Wars of Independence and in additional each child has been given one of the famous men to complete a mini topic. We will use our ICT and iPad time to support research.  Look out for next week's Homework Grid with more topic related ideas for you to support your child with.

We are continuing our Fitness programme in P.E. this term and are looking at ways to build our strength and flexibility. We started this week with a little session of gentle yoga. We looked at the work of female artist Frida Kaylo in Art and had fun using her techniques to produce an unusual self portrait. 

Wishing everyone a sunny weekend.