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What a busy week !! On top of all our work, P5b have been organising all the arrangements for Red Nose Day which is taking place on Friday 17 March this year. And the book swap on Wednesday afternoon proved highly successful, with many excited children delighted with their 'new' book.

In Literacy we have been continuing our Persuasive Writing, this week arguing the case for keeping/banning school uniform. We are learning to set out our work appropriately, using sequential vocabulary and including an introduction and a conclusion. We are enjoying working our way through the Key Comprehension Box and further developing our skills by completing the Reading Theory programme of work during ICT time. Spelling homework is going well, with the weekly test proving a useful addition to our timetable.

In Numeracy we have been introduced to percentages and decimals. We are learning to convert them with fractions. It is quite tricky but we will continue to practise them over the next few weeks and revisit the work next term.

In P.E. we took the 'Beep Test' to establish our general fitness (stamina) levels. There were plenty of pink faces by the end of the lesson!! We will take it again in a few weeks time to see if we have improved on our PB score. 

We have moved onto 'Light' for our topic and are researching all about how light waves travel and how colour is established.

The Parent Contact appointments have now been made and I'm looking forward to catching up with you all, starting next Tuesday the 14th March, after school.

Have a lovely, if not cold, weekend.