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Our choir were performing again at the Fife Festival of Music this week and did an incredible job, receiving 2 Golds !! Well done to everyone involved, not forgetting Mrs Baxter. So proud again. 

This week Primary 5 have been completing some mid term assessments in Numeracy, Spelling and Reading Comprehension. We will also do a Baseline piece for Writing next week.

In Literacy we are keeping up with our Reading Groups and continuing to work through our Comprehension. Our new class novel, The Goldfish Boy by Lisa Thompson is proving a popular choice. We're just reached an exciting point in the book with the neighbour's small grandson now missing !!

In Numeracy we are working away on our tables; improving the accuracy and speed of our known tables. 

This week in Art we re created a picture using the technique pointilism, using the painter Seurat as inspiration. In topic we watched videos and conducted more experiments investigating sound travelling through water.

Don't forget that it's a 2 day week for the children next week. Have a great weekend.