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We have had a very cultured and creative week in school. On Monday the children were at our Scottish assembly, surrounded by tartan and thistle decorations. They had the opportunity to listen to all the class finalists recite their poems and songs. On Thursday it was the P5's turn to attend the Fife Festival of Music. Our girls and boys didnot disappoint. They looked and behaved impeccably and sang their hearts out. Two very proud P5 teachers this week !! Thank you to all our parent helpers for coming along and supporting us.

In Literacy this week we focused on spelling and comprehension. We are currently looking at the Highland Spelling P5 keyword list to support our learning. The new weekly homework words will be on Seesaw from the beginning of each week. We continued our Personal Writing, creating an eye witness statement for the break in at the '3 Bears' house'. We used a check list to ensure that every relevant detail was included. 

In Numeracy we extended our work with word problems relating to fractions and were introduced to improper fractions and mixed numbers. We are continuing to use Sumdog to support our times tables practise.

In topic we learned more about sound and in particular amplifying volume and echo location. We watched a number of really interesting short videos and completed sound experiments in class. In Art, this week's famous artist was Picasso. We studied more examples of his cubism work and recreated our own tulips pictures, copying his design and technique skills. 

The next Homework Grid and Spelling List are now on Seesaw, with the grid 'pinned' to the top of the page. Have lovely weekend everyone.