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Don't forget to keep practising those Scottish poems and Music Festival songs for Tuesday 24th of January and Thursday 2nd of February respectively! 

This week in Literacy we had to 'think outside the box' and come up with imaginative and interesting endings to the given sentence starters - resulting in quite a few chuckles!! We consolidated the spelling of days of the week and months of the years and started our new class novel, " The Goldfish Boy " by Lisa Thompson. This term we are using the Comprehension Box to further enhance our skills and look forward to learning about a variety of new interests.

In Numeracy we continued our work on fractions ; with more opportunities to look at equivalent fractions and learning how to simplify fractions. We used our ICT to improve the speed and accuracy of our times tables to support this work. 

We learned a little bit more about how sound travels for our topic 'Light and Sound' and are looking forward to conducting some experiments to test out our theories. 

In Art we studied the Impressionist Claude Monet and recreated our own water lillies pictures, using oil pastels. In P.E. we continued our programme of gymnastics with the children working in teams to create a short sequence of travel, using different examples of movements. 

Have a lovely weekend everyone.