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Another busy week for Primary 5b. 

In Literacy we completed work identifying whether information was fact or opinion. We had the opportunity to try some new resources for spelling and learned about Guy Fawkes in reading comprehension. We've moved onto Functional Writing this term and looked at the layout and content of various newspapers. We then created our own newspaper report on the Gunpowder Plot which was fun. 

In Numeracy we practised our subtraction of 2/3 digit numbers using the horizontal method ( 'chimney sums' ) We also practised our times tables on the computer, playing 'Hit the Button' on Topmarks.

For our topic 'Oceans' we learned all about the Water Cycle : watched video clips, drew labelled diagrams, identified the different stages in water treatment processes and conducted an investigation involving plastic bags and sunny windows!! 

For Art we used coloured chalk to create our awesome fireworks pictures and in ICT we practised our number skills on Sumdog, in preparation for a Fife wide Maths Challenge starting on the 4th. As part of our HWB programme, 'Keeping Ourselves Safe', we watched a powerpoint on firework safety.

Wishing everyone a great weekend. Enjoy the fireworks and stay safe.