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I hope everyone had a nice extended weekend. The week has flown in but we've still managed to fit in lots of exciting work.

In Literacy we learned some fascinating facts about unicorns during our Reading Comprehension and wrote an underwater adventure for two of the characters in our class novel, 'Lampie'. In Numeracy we moved on from Place Value, using the skills and knowledge to start our number work, exploring addition of 2/3 digit numbers mentally. We also completed more logic puzzles, developing our wider problem solving strategies.

In our 'Oceans' topic we researched about the coastline and beaches a round Scotland and made fact files on some of the sea animals found in our waters. For Art we practised paper weaving to create our own Rainbow Fish.

Jeans for Genes was a great success and we loved joining in all the activities, especially designing our own hoodies. Thank you to Mrs Haddow and P4 for organising. Now we have the Summer Fete to enjoy after school on Friday. 

It was lovely to meet some of our P5b parents at Parents Night on Wednesday. I look forward to meeting more of you next Tuesday and Thursday. Have a great weekend.