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Primary 5b have had a very productive week. In Literacy we worked on our dictionary skills; locating words using the first, second and third letters and recording definitions. We also completed a comprehension exercise about lighthouses, worked on our spelling grid words - partitioning syllables and wrote an introductory paragraph about an abandoned lighthouse, using lots of interesting and exciting descriptive language.

In Numeracy, we continued our work on place value, adding and subtracting 10,100,1000. We completed a logical problem solving activity using our known strategies to help us. We now have a 'library' of mathematical challenges which the children enjoy working on to earn table marbles. 

In ICT we continued our powerpoints on sea creatures and have started our fact files on the world oceans, starting with the Atlantic Ocean, using the school ipads to complete our research. In P.E. we are continuing to develop team building skills and are having fun attempting some of the warm up activities. We are discovering that good listening and working together really are beneficial for success! This week's Art  is 'a work in progress'  and at the moment, top secret ...  

In HWB we talked about why and when people might be unkind to others and what it felt like. We then gave examples of  being kind and participated in an activity where we were given another classmate's name on a piece of paper and we had to write down about a time that we had seen that classmate showing kindness. We then shared this with everyone in class. Not a dry eye ......

It was lovely to see those of you that could make our class visit on Friday afternoon. Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Heggie