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We've been busy all week in Primary 5b.

In Literacy we were constructing and up leveling sentences. We talked about simple and more complex descriptive words and phrases which we enjoy using. In Writing we produced a detailed opening paragraph, setting the scene whilst describing a lighthouse. 

In Numeracy we have been continuing our work on Place Value, playing games, ordering and talking about  3-6 digit numbers. We used known strategies to solve a number problem and worked together on wipeboards. 

In Art we used zentangle patterns to create 'port hole' pictures for our Oceans topic, which are extremely colourful and look fantastic ! We researched a chosen sea creature in ICT and are in the process of making powerpoints.

In P.E. we are working on ball skills; catching and throwing and developing our team building skills. We played Benchball and team races. Mrs Baxter enjoyed working with the children and their new recorders in Music this week.

I hope everyone has Seesaw and paper copy access to the term's homework. Please get in touch if there are any concerns.

Have a great weekend.