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For Literacy we wrote an imaginative story, using a picture of a little girl and a whale as our 'hook'. We have also started our class novel  'Lampie'  which is a story about a young girl who lives in a lighthouse. We have completed our single word spelling test and will be given appropriate spelling lists to practise at home next week.

This week we have been busy working on Place Value in Numeracy : identifying, writing and placing numbers within 100,1000 and beyond.

We have now started our topic on Oceans. We used our mapping skills to locate and name the oceans and seas around the world and researched the meaning of some related vocabulary.

For Art, we used a variety of media to re-create our pictures of a lighthouse which we will add to our Oceans display. In P.E. we played a variety of team games, whilst developing ball skills. 

Look out for the P5 Homework Grid, spelling lists and Reading wallets which will be uploaded to Seesaw at the beginning of next week. If you still have to return your child's NHS Immunisation letter and/or money for a class recorder, can you please do so next week. Many thanks.

Wishing you all a lovely weekend.