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Our first week in Primary 5 has been completed already! It was lovely to see everyone back looking so smart in their school uniforms, thank you. Please do remember to name everything as I've already noticed a few lunchboxes, jumpers and jackets are nameless. 

As mentioned on our class Seesaw page, P.E days for this term are Mondays and Thursdays so appropriate kit can be worn to school on those days. 

Our P5 topic for term one is 'Oceans' which the children and I are very excited about. If you are out at the beach in the next few weeks the children could perhaps collect shells, pebbles and any other interesting finds, such as small pieces of driftwood and sea glass etc...  to share in school. 

We are also looking for plastic bottle tops, of varying sizes and colours for an art project connected to our current class novel, 'Lampie' by Annet Schaap which is a fairytale set by the sea. 

Looking forward to seeing you soon at our 'Meet the Teacher' afternoon. Details to follow. Have a lovely weekend.