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It has been a very busy week in Primary 5A.  
We have worked very hard this week to complete our personal projects on Robert, the Bruce and William Wallace. As a finishing touch we added a contents page, glossary and bibliography.  There has been lots of hard work during this project and everyone has tried their best to use a variety of texts, pictures, diagrams, maps and own drawings to enhance their projects. They are fantastic! Well done boys and girls! Next week everyone will work on a chosen mini topic of their own.
In Number work we looked at Data Handling. We consolidated work on tally marks, pictograms and bar graphs.There has been very good understanding of this area.  We will now focus on solving multi-step problems using a variety of different operations.
We had a lot of fun developing our joined up handwriting and will continue to work on this for a few weeks.  We are really trying to take our time to form the letters correctly.
We used wood filler to repair our planter in the playground. It had lots of broken wood parts. We used slate stones inside the cavities to strengthen the holes and then filled it with woodfiller.  Our new flowers are looking great in the planter.We enjoyed the lovely sunny weather by going out to make bug hotels.  We bound bundles of sticks together and this will form one big bug hotel.  We also had a run through of our potted sports activities for sports day next week.
We have also explored 'My Senses': Things I like/Things I don't like.  Lots of great questions were asked and answered by everyone.
We wish everyone a wonderful long weekend! 
Primary 5A/Mrs Wehmeyer