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It has been a week of wonderful learning in Primary 5A.
We started our week with a digital literacy session hosted for us by the Primary 7's.  This was a fantastic learning opportunity where children had the opportunity to develop their coding skills, making use of a variety of fun games and toys.  It did not involve the use of ICT. The microbit carts were a big hit but there were many fun activities.  The children behaved very well and made the most of this fabulous learning session. Thank you to P7 and Mrs Watt for inviting us along to this.

In art/outdoor learning we completed our snail zentangle artworks, These are fantastic! We took part in a litter pick in our playground and focused on picking up small bits of rubbish. We plan to use these to make a collage to highlight the dangers of littering towards animals and nature.

In PE we played an exciting hoop relay game. Everyone really enjoyed this game and in writing we completed our reports on our trip to Stirling Castle last week. There were lots of highlights on the day to include in our reports. In numeracy we have looked at grams and kilograms and how we use this in everyday life. Children showed a very good understanding of the concept of weight.
There were a lot of excellent discussions during our RHSP session. We spoke about equality for boys and girls and stereotypes.  We enjoyed drawing people doing different jobs and realised that you are able to do any job you want to do and it does not matter if you are a boy or a girl. 
Our personal project folders on Robert the Bruce and William Wallace are developing very well with everyone using a variety of materials, information, drawings and diagrams to enhance their work. Very well done! Lots of new knowledge has been gained during this project.

Our social target of the week winner is Robbie who is always respectful and polite towards others and always gives his best effort with his work. Well done!

We wish everyone a wonderful weekend!

Primary 5A/Mrs Wehmeyer