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It has been wonderful to be back at school for a full week and everyone has shown lots of effort with all their tasks.
On Monday we had the opportunity to pick a book from the Book Swap. Thank you to the Primary 7 classes for organising this event for all of us.
For the remainder of the year we will focus on comprehension skills. We have realised that we sometimes do not give enough detail in our answers and that we also need to find clues in the texts we are reading.  We have set up regular comprehension practice using ICT and a website called ReadTheory.com. Everyone enjoyed doing a placement test on this website and will now take ownership in practicing a variety of  comprehension skills.  
We also enjoyed getting stuck into coding using Hour of Code.org
In Maths we have worked very hard on different aspects of fractions. We looked at simplifying and adding/subtracting of fractions with the same/different denominators. We also changed one fraction into other ones. Lots and lots of practice on whiteboards has made us much more confident with fractions. We will move onto decimal notation.
For project work we have looked at a few videos on Light and we completed a variety of tasks.  
We have started investigating all the skills needed to do note taking.  We are using our project on Light as our inspiration. We will use these notes to write a report on Light including facts and our own opinions and feelings.  We have used highlighters to pick out the most important words and phrases from a piece of text. .
Our Social Target Winner of the Week is Phoebe. Phoebe has shown great listening and talking skills as a member of the Rights Respecting Group. Congratulations!
On Friday we received the wonderful news that Sophie, Caleb and Ava finished first, second and third in the Dunfermline Rotary Club Young Artist  ( Juniors ) category.  Their atmospheric Sunset/Sunrise pictures were just wonderful and we are all delighted for THeir families and them.  We are super proud of all three of you. All three pupils and their families are automatically invited to the Youth Celebration Evening on Tuesday 16th May at 6.30pm in the Vine Centre Dunfermline. 
Mrs Wehmeyer is looking forward to meeting parents next week to discuss the progress the children are making.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Primary 5A/Mrs Wehmeyer