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The frost and ice has made it a magical week but it has been very cold outside. Lots of hard work has taken place in our class.  
The children really enjoyed watching the Nativity performance on Monday afternoon. Well done to all of the Primary 1's for their performance and THE narrators involved in the performance. Well done also to the P5A choir members who took part with their beautiful singing.
In number work we have continued excellent work on line symmetry using horizontal, vertical and diagonal lines.  Lots of perseverance shown with making one side symmetrical to the other side. We did find it quite tricky but we used a range of techniques to get it correct.  We also identified a variety of angles like right, obtuse, acute, straight line and full tuns.  We enjoyed learning how to use a protractor to measure angles accurately.
In Writing we wrote a Recipe for a Joyful Christmas.  Lots of super imagination was used in these recipes. We numbered our steps and used time connectives.  Lots of good recipe words were also used in our writing. Well done everyone!
We were set a challenge to create a "Secret Santa" paper gift for one of our classmates as well as a "Secret Santa" card. The children have really enjoyed making these.   
We have started to create a special Christmas card for art and we have designed the first page of our Christmast activity books.  We will use these activity books in the last short week of term.
We all enjoyed a scrumptious Christmas dinner in the hall on Wednesday and everyone looked great in their Christmas jumpers.
We had a brilliant Christmas party on Thursday afternoon. Everyone was very excited and looked wonderful and sparkly in their festive outfits. We had a fun afternoon with Primary 5B playing some games and enjoying some music.
Congratulations to our Social Target of the Week winner Aidan for his consistent, excellent effort and attitude with all his tasks.  Well done!
We hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. Stay warm and cosy this weekend. Christmas is almost here!
Primary 5A/Mrs Wehmeyer