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We have had a fantastic start to Term 2 and are excited to be back with our classmates.  It has been a very busy week in our class.
In Maths we started work on multiplication specifically the 4 and 6 times tables. The effort shown by everyone has been brilliant.  We counted on in 4's or 6's from a specific number, looked at numbers before and after a specific number and found out about multiples and common lowest factors. Lots of super work has been done in jotters too.
The Autumn colours outside on our playing field has inspired us to write fantastic Halloween/Autumn Haiku's.  A Haiku is Japanese poem of seventeen syllables, in three lines of five, seven, and five, traditionally evoking images of the natural world.  The children really enjoyed creating these small poems using imaginative language techniques and interesting vocabulary. 
For project we created an imaginary county and explained how this country would deal with all the issues Pollution would bring to their shores.  We looked at the natural distaster of Tsunami's and did and excellent piece of comprehension work on this.  We gained a lot of new knowledge about Tsunami's. Everyone is busy creating their own tidal wave artwork.
In Art everyone created a Haunted House Halloween picture to share with their families.  In ICT the children played a range of Halloween games and they were very excited about the Halloween disco. The children had a spooktastic time and all the costumes were brilliant. Thank you to the PTA for organising this event and everyone who offered their help on the night.
Just a little reminder that PE days will now be on a Monday and a Friday.
Congratulations goes to Phoebe for being the Social Target of the week winner.  Phoebe has shown a positive mindset at the beginning of the new term. Well done!
We wish everyone a wonderful Halloween weekend with their families.
Primary5A/Mrs Wehmeyer