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It is unbelievable to think we have come to the end of the first term in P5A already.  It has been an exciting term full of many highlights. We are all looking forward to a well-deserved break with our families and friends.
We have worked very hard on Column Subtraction with/without regrouping this week.  We enjoyed working together as groups and Mrs Wehmeyer was very impressed with all the effort shown by everyone with the tricky term of borrowing. Well done everyone!
The biggest highlight this week was our Ocean Activity Day on Wednesday. Everyone planned all the activities they would do on the day and there was a huge variety of tasks to engage in.  Some very creative ideas! Lots of super learning and teamwork has taken place and super work was completed by all. We have loved our Oceans topic and we are really enjoying our class novel, Lampie.
On Friday we took part in the Paper Chain Challenge. We had to see who could make the longest paper chain just using one sheet of A4 paper. Lots of problem solving used in this activity. Congratulations to Robbie and Eduardo who made a chain of 4.93cm long.  WOW! Hannah and Lucy was a close second with 4.50.   
Congratulations to our Social Target of the Week Winner, Anna.  Anna kept a positive mindset right until the end of the term. Well done!
We wish everyone the most wonderful October holidays.  
Primary 5A/Mrs Wehmeyer