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This week has certainly flown by with lots of fantastic work being done in our class.
It was so lovely to speak to more parents at the Parent Contact evening to discuss the progress your child is making. There was lots of positive news to share. 
We have shown super understanding doing column addition sums with and without regrouping. Everyone enjoyed the challenge and showed great perseverance with this work.  Well done to everyone! We will look at Column Subtraction next week.  
We are focusing on our reading skills and used junior magazines to go on a hunt for interesting articles.  Everyone had to select a task to do about one of the articles they had found.  This task was fun and engaging and we enjoyed learning new information.
For Project work we did a sequencing activity telling the story of a plastic bottle's journey to the recycling plant.  We are also looking at the positives/negatives we can find about the substance plastic. We were shocked to find that plastic never breaks down and that it can stay in the soil for hundreds of years.
In Writing we had the opportunity to do a free piece of writing using the ocean as inspiration.  I am looking forward to reading these.
For Spanish we looked at different kinds of emotions.  We drew the emotions and wrote down the English and Spanish words.
Our pencil/pen expressive Kraken drawings are just wonderful. The drawings are full of flow, life and expressive mark making. We really enjoyed using a pencil in a more artistic manner.
Thank you to the two Primary 6 classes for organising the McMillan Big Breakfast for all of us to enjoy.  It was lovely to sit together to enjoy eating breakfast.
After a successful interview Caleb, Hanna and Lucy has been selected to form part of the Tech Team. They will learn lots of new exciting things to do with technology and will be able to share all of this with their classmates. More children will also be given the opportunity to join the Tech Team as the year progresses.
Our Social Target Winner of the Week is Sophie Kuz. Well done Sophie! You are always respectful towards your environment and take good care of all equipment in school.
We hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!
Primary 5A and Mrs Wehmeyer