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It has been a short but very good week in Primary 5 and we are very proud of all the efforts we are showing with our work in class. We are now completing our work in the set time and that has been very pleasing to see.

Lots of hard work has been done in Maths as we started Column Addition with and without regrouping. We looked at a variety of strategies to help us with our work and it has been great to challenge ourselves. Well done everyone! There has been super discussions in pairs and everybody has been very helpful and supportive towards their maths partners. 

We continue to enjoy our Class Novel. We have now found out that "the monster" is a merboy ( like a mermaid ) called Edward. We cannot wait to listen to all the adventures he will go on with Lampie.

In Writing we created a poem concerning Plastic Pollution in our Oceans. Some people attempted to use rhyme in their poems. Everyone tried very hard with this and have written excellent poems. We will type out our poems in ICT and add some illustrations around it. We also created some eye catching posters about the plastic problem in the ocean.

In Spanish we looked at the names of some Spanish foods and we practised our handwriting. We are all getting better at making sure our words are written on the line and that our letters are formed correctly.  We are also taking a lot more care with the presentation of our work. 

It was so lovely to meet parents on Wednesday night to discuss the progress made by their children. I look forward to meeting with some more parents on Tuesday and Thursday next week.

Thank you to Primary 4 for organising the Jeans for Genes Day on Friday. We enjoyed dressing down in denim and taking part in the Design a Hoodie activity. 

Everyone had a great time at the Summer Fayre on Friday afternoon and it was wonderful to see so many children and parents at this event.
Congratulations goes to our Social Target of the Week winner, Lucy.  She always shows a helpful atttitude towards everyone in class.  

We wish everyone a wonderful weekend!
Primary 5A & Mrs Wehmeyer