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We continue to work very hard on all our tasks in P5/6!
We love using the Reading Five strategies to help us with our comprehension tasks. This week we focused on reading for enjoyment and writing about it.  It is wonderful to see the children so engaged in reading. Well done everyone! After the Book Swap, we have lots of new books in our class library.  
Robbie, Isla and Eduardo took part in final training sessions for the P6 Hockey tournament next week.  Everyone is very excited to go to the tournament next Wednesday. Robbie and Isla has been selected to represent our class at the tournament. Congratulations!  Well done to everyone who took part in the Hockey coaching sessions this term. 
It has been really lovely to meet with parents on Wednesday night.  There were plenty of good news to share with parents.  I look forward to further meetings next week.
We have started to look at Fractions in Maths.  We watched an informative video.  We are able to explain what a fractions are, identify parts of a fraction and we can name the three types of fractions used in Maths.  We also know that we need to consolidate our tables to help us with this work.  We can clearly see the link between multiply and divide. It will helps us to solve calculations.  We worked on equivalent fractions,  simplifying fractions and some children worked on changing one fraction into another type of fraction. It is good to work with a Maths buddy.
For Outdoor Learning, we went on a hunt in the playground. We found lots of  Y- shaped branches.  We are busy creating a weaving loom.  We look forward to creating a unique piece of artwork.  We will weave wool, ribbons, string, natural materials and beads.  This will form part of the work we are doing to receive our John Muir award.
We plan to become authors by writing a funny short story for younger children. We will turn these stories into handmade books.  The books will include illustrations. We also want to record our stories using green screen technology. It is very exciting and we have started our planning.  We had a book investigation today and looked at the various characteristics that make a book a good one.  
During Health and Well Being we spoke about the importance of being kind and including everyone.  In our class we are all different and unique, and kindness costs absolutely nothing.  Yet, it can mean so much. 
Our Social Target winner is Daniel.  Daniel has greatly improved his listening and organisational skills.  Well done Daniel!
We wish everyone a happy weekend!
P5/6 and Mrs Wehmeyer