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What a brilliant week in P5/6!
We reflected upon Maths to identify what we like/do not like about it.  We also identified ways in which we can be supported better.  Most children recognised that they could have a much more positive attitude during number tasks and that they could be more focused on their work.  We also know that we need to practise our tables to assist us with multiplication and division work.  We used our ICT time to play "Hit the Button" or "Splat" to help us with quicker recall of tables.  We hope to become more confident in this area of the curriculum.
Some of us looked at Bodmas (order of operation). There was a lot of working out to do but it was a great challenge.  We also started looking at decimals and where decimals are used in real life.  Well done everyone!
As part of Outdoor Learning, we enjoyed taking part in a litter pick in our playground.  It was surprising to see how many bags of rubbish we were able to find.  It included a lot of sweet wrappers, cans and plastic bottles.
Over the past two weeks all P6 children took part in Hockey coaching sessions, offered by Dunfermline Carnegie Hockey Club. Well done everyone!  You all enjoyed this.  Robbie, Eduardo, Caleb and Isla S were invited for further coaching sessions.  Congratulations!  There will be a lot more opportunities in P7 to take part in Hockey coaching sessions.
We are working hard on recognising and using different spelling patterns in all our written work.   We do enjoy using different spelling activities and there has been good improvement in this area.
We have worked hard to complete our "Butter Bridge" artworks.  These small artworks are stunning, individual and full of character.  We really enjoyed developing use of watercolour pencils and watercolour paint.  It ties in so well with our project work on "Bridges".
On Thursday, next week, we celebrate World Book Day.  Children are invited to come to school in pyjamas and slippers.  We will be building some reading dens so please bring some blankets, sheets or cushions.  We will take part in lots of fun activities on the day.  Thank you to everyone who has brought in some books for the Book Swap next week.  Please keep handing in any books that you are happy to swap. 
Our Social Target Winner of the Week is Isla Shorthouse. Isla includes others by offering her support and help. Well done, Isla!
We wish everyone a wonderful weekend!
P5/6 and Mrs Wehmeyer