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The weather has certainly turned very cold this week but it has not stopped us from showing a positive mindset and delivering quality work.  It has been a super busy week in our class and the children are making good progress.
We are working hard on perfecting our songs for the Fife Music Festival. We almost know the words now. Please keep practising the words at home as we only have two more weeks left before the festival. Thank you also to parents who indicated their willingness to help with the class and also with the choir group.  It is much appreciated! 
Everyone is making sure they are developing their performance for the Scottish poems by using facial expressions, change in tone of voice, hand gestures and props. We started listening to some poems today. Well done to everyone who performed so confidently.  Thank you also to parents for supporting your children with this task at home.  We look forward to listening to more poems next week.
The children have responded very well to a Maths Assessment this week. There were a lot of focus during these assessements and Mrs Wehmeyer is delighted with the effort and application shown by everyone.  Well done!
On Wednesday the P6 pupils had the opportunity to engage in a discussion on Internet Safety, delivered by Police Scotland. The children engaged very well with this session and asked lots of super questions.  
Mr Grew from HSBC also came in on Wednesday to talk to us about "Savvy Shopping" strategies.  The children were extremely well behaved and they were a real credit to their school.
In Art we are looking at the work of a Scottish artist, Ritchie Collins.  Our project is on Bridges and we decided to incorporate a bridge structure in our landscapes. We are busy layering our work to achieve more texture and vibrancy.  The children had the opportunity to explore the properties of watercolour pencils and the interesting ways in which this medium can be manipulated to create create wonderful results. They are really enjoying exploring this medium.  It is so easy to use! Look out to see the results next week. 
For Outdoor Learning we had a walk around the playground to do some bird spotting.  It was very cold but we managed to see five different kinds of birds.  Our favourite one is the Robin.  We took the time in class to draw all five birds in our project jotters and we will now split into groups to research these.  These birds are common in our playground but we really do not know much about them.  It will certainly be an interesting task.
I continue to encourage parents to use Seesaw to comment upon the children's efforts in class.  I am delighted with the high level of parent  engagement through this platform. 
Our Social Target Winner of the Week is Lylah. She is very helpful and takes care of the classrooom environment. Well done Lylah!
Wrap up and stay warm and cosy this weekend!
P5/6 and Mrs Wehmeyer