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It has been a marvellous first week back at school for P5/6.  We had lots of holiday stories to share and everyone is glad to be back with their friends. We are ready for the busy term ahead.
We are working very hard on Art and Writing entries for the Dunfermline Rotary Club competition.  The theme is "Rebuilding" and we are writing a variety of diffferent poems to enter into the competition.  It is not as easy as it sounds and we had to plan very well before we started writing. 
We started to use Brusho paint pigment in the backgrounds of our art pictures for the competition. Brusho is pure paint pigment in powder form and it is a very cool process to wet the paper, drop some pigment and watch the colour explode into different colours. It is an awesome technique to use. 
In Maths we are looking at column addition. The children all worked very well on this concept. We use different ways to do the sums and looked at the tricky concept of carrying the tens to the next column. Lots of practice has been done by everyone. Well done!
For Outdoor Learning we are making a rainbow array of  colourful leaves, using white pva glue. We will cut these out and display  around our classroom. We have now used up all the dried flowers and leaves we prepared before the holiday in our wonderful nature quote bookmarks.  This forms part of our work for the John Muir Award.
We investigated the anatomy of a tree and a tree trunk for our work on Earth.  Lots of fantastic labelled diagrams have been competed by everyone.
We were very excited to see Mrs Mair for the Fife Music Big Sing initiative on Wednesday.  She is  a great singer and teaches in a fun way. We are learning a lot about how to perform a song and how connect with your audience.  
In PE we are focusing on increasing our levels of fitness through team games and relay races.
Our Social Target winner of the week is Aidan.  Aidan always have a positive attitude towards school and his work. 
We wish everyone a lovely weekend!
P5/6 and Mrs Wehmeyer