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I can hardly believe how quickly time has passed and we have finally made it to the end of term  It has been an awesome term with many highlights and the children have been absolutely fantastic. They have very worked hard, showed lots of resilience and made great progress. They have also gelled very well as a class and have been supportive towards one another. It was also wonderful to meet with parents to share all the good news about the progress the children have been making and how well they are working in P5/6.
Our John Muir and Outdoor Learning Haiku's are fantastic and will form part of our Outdoor Learning class display.
The Box Animals is absolutely amazing, creative and inventive and the children really enjoyed constructing these at home. The quality of homework has consistently been of a very high standard and children have been keen to give their best effort. Thank you everyone!
We are excited to take part in the Dunfermline Rotary Young Artist competition we have started on our artworks using the theme "Rebuilding".  We will also write poems to enter into the Young Writer's competition.  It will also have the theme of "Rebuilding ".  We started to brainstorm some ideas for our poems and hope to do lots of different types of poems for the competition.
For Outdoor Learning we created a nature picture using the natural materials we collected. These were lots of fun to create in our groups.
For our project on Planet Earth it was fantastic to listen to the animal talks.  A lot of work has gone into preparing these talks at home over the last five weeks.  Well done to all the boys and girls for showing the necessary confidence to speak in front of your classmates.  You spoke with loud, clear voices and we all gained a lot of new knowledge about different animals. A brilliant effort!
The Social Target Winner of the week is the whole P5/6 class. It is a big thank you from me for the consistent effort and application that has taken place over this term. I am a happy teacher!
I hope everyone has the most fantastic holiday with family and friends.  Stay safe and take care!
Mrs Wehmeyer