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What a fabulous week it has been in Primary 5/6! There has been  lots of effort, application and enthusiasm shown by all the boys and girls. The children have settled in quickly to the classroom routines and have been very eager to please.
We started the week with a spelling and maths assessment. Well done everyone for showing resilience and a "can do" atttitude during these tasks. 
After using post it notes to write down some classroom rules we designed a Class Charter.  We want our classroom to be an inviting, safe space for everyone to thrive in.  Our Charter is linked to the UN Rights of a Child and our school values of respect, responisibility and  resilience.
For our topic on Planet Earth we looked at the layers of the Earth and we made a labelled drawing in our jotters. We are looking forward to doing some research on some interesting animals and will present our talks to our classmates.
In Writing we wrote an imaginative story about a little girl/boy living in a tree house in the forest.  There has been super writing by everyone and Mrs Wehmeyer is really looking forward to reading these.
We enjoyed reading to one another and showed our understanding by asking good questions. 
Our Zentangle birds are just beautiful. After drawing the outlines of our birds with pencil we used black fineliners and another colour fineliner to create stunning artworks.  They are so intricate and detailed. Well done everyone!
We had super fun in PE using a hoop and a tennis ball.  The hoop was just misbehaving and it was much harder than it looked to pass the ball and the hoop to one another at the same time using a variety of catching and throwing skills. 
Our Social Target winner of the week is Florence.  She has maintained a positive mindset as we have commenced this term.  A special well done goes to Josh for being the Star of the Week. Josh has been super attentive and he has given thoughtful answers during discussions in class. Very well done to both of these children.
Just a little reminder that PE days are on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
We wish everyone a restful weekend!
Primary 5/6 and Mrs Wehmeyer