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What a wonderful first week back at school for Primary 5/6. There were lots of smiling faces and lots of stories to listen to.

Everyone enjoyed being back at school with their friends and we are really looking forward to our year. I am delighted to be the class teacher and look forward to sharing in the journey of your children. This week we focused on getting to know one another and we took part in many fun activities.

PE days 🏃 will be on a Tuesday and Thursday. Please come to school in gym kit on both days. Sturdy, comfortable shoes and a change of socks will also be most helpful. A rain jacket will also be needed. It would also be most helpful if items can be labelled so that it is easier to return items to the rightful owners. 

Please send in a book 📗 that your child can read in school. This book will be used for Daily Five Reading, Comprehension and Writing activities in class. A book can also be borrowed from the school library. Can this book please be sent in for Monday, 21 August. 

Our project in term 1/2 is Planet 🌍. We will also start with 
Outdoor Learning activities🦋 which are closely linked with the topic. The Outdoor Learning activities will count towards the children achieving the John Muir award. The Outdoor Learning is on-going throughout the whole year and will have the Primary 6 class of Mrs Elvin joining us for this. It will be a fun and exciting learning journey for everyone to engage in and there are many practical and creative tasks to undertake.

The class novels📚 are "Here We Are" by Oliver Jeffers and "The Last Bear" by Hannah Gold.

Have a wonderful weekend!
Primary 5/6 and Mrs Wehmeyer