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And just like that another week has flown by. We are all still working hard and making sure all our tasks are completed to a good standard. 
There were three main highlights this week. The first one was meeting our new teachers on Monday. It was lovely to spend some time with them in our new classroom areas and we wish all of them a most enjoyable summer holidays. We are looking forward to being in their classes next year.
The second highlight was watching the P7 rehearsal of "Rock Bottom" with the rest of the school. Lots of hard work has gone into the show and we all really enjoyed it. Well done to all the P7's, the P6 helpers and their teachers for a brilliant performance.
After winning the Sumdog Fife Contest last week the whole class enjoyed spending their 5000 coins in the Sumdog House. A new 3D avatar has also been launced so everyone had the opportunity to look at this.
The 3rd highlight was on Thursday morning when we had a lot of fun on the giant inflatable in the playing field. Lots of happy faces! Afterwards we enjoyed some ice lollies to cool us down. 
In Numeracy we did a giant maths challenge using division strategies. Lots of excellent working out by all. 
Thank you to all the boys and girls who have been most helpful in class with a variety of sorting out, clearning out and organising of resources jobs. It is much appreciated. 
We also say thank you to a group of boys who has been out in the playground after break and lunch times to do some litter picking.  Well done!
The Social Target winner of the week is Lewis. He has kept a positive mindset as we move towards the end of the school year. Well done Lewis!
We wish everyone an enjoyable weekend.
Primary 5/6 and Mrs Wehmeyer