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And here we are at the end of term. Everyone is looking forward to a relaxing holiday with their families and loved ones.  
Primary 5/6 had a busy last week full of exciting opportunities.
On Monday we had a visit from Lyndsey Anderson. The children were learning about different aspects of First Aid. Learning included how to show their location when they are in trouble, the recovery position, what to do when someone chokes, how to do abdominal thrusts and what to do when they get a burn. It was a fantastic session and the children really enjoyed the interactive nature of the workshop. They also showed great Canmore values. Everyone showed their understanding by making posters about one aspect of the learning that took place. Well done everyone!
Our Little Books of Quotes have now been completed and everyone had a lot of fun compiling these.  It was very interesting to see the variety of quotes selected by everyone.
The children have all enjoyed playing Ukeleles with Mrs Baxter and it has been great to listen to them performing a few songs on Wednesday. Thank you Mrs Baxter!
We are looking at growth mindsets and did a super activity on 'my fantastic, elastic brain'. This involved the use of a basketball and an elastic band.  We learned about the different parts of the brain and what each part does.
In Art we made our own Peace Dove pictures using pencil, coloured pencil and pen.  Easter is almost here and everyone designed an Easter card to take home with them on Friday.
On the last day of term, the JSL organised an active fundraising day. The children had a brilliant time taking part in these activities. Thank you to our Junior Sports Leader team and Mrs Hay for organising this for all of us.
A huge congratulations goes to Isobel for being the Social Target of the Week winner.  Isobel always shows enthusiasm for her learning and has kept a positive mindset right throughout this year.. 
We wish everyone a fantastic, well-deserved Easter holiday.
Stay safe and take care!
Primary 5/6 and Mrs Wehmeyer