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The end of term draws ever closer and it has been an exciting week in P5/6.   We celebrated Red Nose Day on Friday by dressing down in bright colours. 
We had a most informative talk from Mr Grew of HSBC on Fraud and how we can keep our money save. Everyone contributed very well, were able to ask good questions and give great answers. Well done P5/6!
Everyone has now completed their personal talks on a Space topic. Well done to all the boys and girls on preparing well and showing confidence when speaking in front of your classmates.
Lots of new knowledge gained and respectful listening skills by all. 
In PE we started playing small Hockey games with a specific focus on passing the ball to our team mates and including everyone in our teams.  
After doing a survey in school about eye colours we have made a Bar Chart to show all our information.  Blue the most common eye colour in school. We will also show this information in the form of a pie chart and generate different questions that could be asked about the chart. 
In preparation for Earth Day we created a Earth Day Superhero. Everyone wrote a speech for their superhero. We then used the Chatterpix app to animate them. A huge thank you to Caitlin, Mollie L, Ava B and Ava M for doing the voice recordings of everyone in the class. A very big job! Thank you girls! These will be ready to reveal on Earth Day next week.
We continue to work hard on improving our understanding of  different texts by using Literacy Circles. Everyone is also getting a lot better at pace, fluency and expression in their reading.
On Friday we celebrated Red Nose Day and took part in a variety of Red Nose day activities. One of these activities was to design our own red noses.  Lots of fabulous designs have been created.  We also looked at the origin of Red Nose Day and the importance of supporting different charities. We used ipads to research different charities.
The Social Target winner of the Week is Gael.  Gael is always respectful towards everyone and he has a very caring attitude. Well done Gael!
We hope everyone has a restful weekend!
Primary 5/6 and Mrs Wehmeyer