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It has been a busy week in Primary 5/6. We enjoyed some lovely warmer weather at the beginning of the week and it has lifted everyone's spirits. I am looking forward to Parent Contact afternoons next week to share good news about all the learning that is taking place and all the progress that has been made by all the girls and boys.
We have all now completed our Space poems with a focus on using rhyme in our poems.  Not always easy to make the ends of sentences rhyme but everyone persevered and wrote some fantastic poems.
In PE we played another brilliant game.  We are trying to improve our hand-eye coordination and played a game we call "Tandem". This was greatly enjoyed by everyone.
We are developing our ICT skills using the Chatterpix app and greenscreen technology. We have some of the P6's who is part of the Tech team and they are helping with recording of videos.  
On Tuesday we all enjoyed having some sweet pancakes outside in the playground taking full advantage of the sunny weather .
In Number work we have started a survey in school to find our which colour eyes is most/least of in our school.  We will reveal all our findings in a variety of graphs.  
On Thursday it was World Book Day.  It was a lot of fun coming to school in pyjamas, dressing gowns and slippers. We took part in a variety of World Book Day activities and made an area on the floor using cushions and blankets where we could sit and read together. We also constructed some dens using blankets and took part in a book swap.  We are using our class novel The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse to record some of the wonderful quotes from the book.
The Handball Taster session was a big hit amongst the boys and girls with everyone listening very well to instructions.

It is also great that choir sessions can resume in school and we say thank you to Mrs Baxter for leading the choir. 

The Social Target winner of the week is Jack. He has been well prepared when he has come to school this week and has tried hard with his work. 

Let's hope for more lovely, sunny weather this weekend! 
Primary 5/6 and Mrs Wehmeyer