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This week we have been working hard on improving the presentation in our jotters and making sure we manage our time better in class to ensure tasks are completed to a high standard. We made sure to write with sharper pencils to assist with our handwriting.
We showed good perseverence when working out how to show equivalent fractions using Mondrian art. Lots of resilience shown during this task by everyone.  We are also consolidating our understanding of percentages in number work.
In Writing we are busy writing a Space fantasy story using a variety of figurative language techniques. We plan too read some of our stories to Primary 3.
We are really enjoying our Spanish lessons and this week we the practiced saying the months of the year. An excellent effort by all!
We played a fantastic new game in PE called Hula Chair Agility.  It is a relay race consisting out of two teams. After a few practice runs we managed to complete the relays without touching the hula hoops.  A great way to build up our fitness levels! Thank you to Kyle M for volunteering to correct the hulas when they moved out of allignment. 
Our Eco rep, Lewis, has spoken confidently in front of his classmates asking about ways we can improve the playground at school and about what P5/6 wants to grow in their planter box. Well done Lewis!
As part of mental Health and Well-Being we read more from our class novel, The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse by Charlie Mackesy. This book is full of wonderful qoutes and life lessons and we completed a page in our friendship booklets on what the word means and what friends do for one another. We recognise the importance of having good friendships and relationships with our classmates.
In Art we started on a Town Moonscape Fantasy mixed media picture. We completed a detailed drawing and put down a first layer using watercolour paint.
In ICT we are creating Wordles using different space image templates and space topic words. We have started preparing our personal talks on a space topic and will present these talks in front of our classmates using cue cards and props.    
We wish everyone a wonderful  weekend!
Primary 5/6 and Mrs Wehmeyer