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Primary 5/6 has worked very well this week, taking much more care in being more considerate and respectful towards others. 
This week was Anti-Bullying Week. Bullying is not acceptable at any time!  As part of Anti-Bullying Week we have looked at informative videos on the RespectMe website.We had super discussions and used an apple to demonstrate how feelings/emotions can be damaged very badly inside a person although they look perfectly fine from the outside. We recognise that we all have a part to play in stopping bullying when we see it and that we need to speak out if we are the victims of bullying. The apple experiment was very effective in showing this. Bullying is when somebody is consistently being targeted by someone else and this is never ok. 
Fantasic work has been done on the bus stop method in division and the children all enjoyed using this strategy to find the answers to calculations. There has been super pair/group work with everyone showing a lot of resilence and a "can do" attitude. Well done everyone! It was also great to see how much the children enjoyed doing division work and how they helped one another. 
For Health and Well-Being we all wrote down positive statements about ourselves. These are called affirmations.
There has been fantastic homework contributions on Positive Affirmations and a Kindness Bingo Week activity for everyone to engage in. We are all trying to be a lot kinder to one another, our parents/families and our environment. Another very important  message is to remember to be KIND to ourselves too!. 
In ICT we continued with our research on famous Scottish bridges. We are learning a lot of new information on all the types of bridges around Scotland.
We are reading a fantastic book called Cloud Busting by Marjorie Blackman and we are enjoying to story of Davey or "Fizzy Feet" as everyone calls him.  This book has also sparked a lot of excellent conversations about being more kind to others and not judging anyone by the way they look.
Our reports on the Queensferry Crossing have now been completed and the standard of the writing is very high. Lots of new knowledge has also been gained and a sense of pride about this iconic feat of engineering.
We have made a fantastic start on learning to sew. Everyone in the class is now familiar with the running stitch and how to hide the end of the embroidery thread when you start sewing.  It is lovely to see the item taking shape in front of our eyes.  
Today we had the opportunity to dress down in yellow or spotty clothing for Children in Need. Everyone designed a new bandana for Pudsey because his spotty one is quite old now.  Thank you kindly for your donation for Children in Need Day.
Congratulations to MorganMcKay and Isobel Clark for always showing respect and a caring attitude towards everyone in class. Well done girls. You are the Social Target of the Week winners.
We wish everyone a wonderful weekend!
Primary 5/6 and Mrs Wehmeyer