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It  has been a  very quick week in Primary 5/6. Everyone has setlled back well into a routine and there has been lots of effort and application on show. 
We have worked very well on our multiplication topic in Maths this week. The children have enjoyed using their times table knowledge to complete their work and the lay out in their jotters has been superb. We will now move on to Division.
There has been fantastic report writing on the iconic Queensferry Crossing. We extended our knowledge on this topic by looking at informative videos and having super discussions.  This week we used our notes to start writing our reports.  Everyone started their report in an interesting and engaging manner, Some of us used headings to organise their writing and others made use of different paragraphs. We used topic vocabulary and took care in using our own words when we wrote our reports.  We also tried to change the starts of our sentences.
In RME we looked at a powerpoint presentation of the Buddhist story "The Monkey King".  It is all about making a sacrifice to benefit others. We had a good discussion of how to care for others. 
We started looking at the four types of bullying - verbal, physical, social and cyber bullying and shared our knowledge by creating eye catching posters.
In Art we are creating a silhouette of the Queensferry Crossing or the Forth Road Rail Bridge. We started preparing our splattering fireworks sky for our artwork.  It was super messy but a lot of fun. 
Thank you to everyone for sending in crisp packets. Our collection is growing bigger and bigger and we still have until the end of November to collect these so that sleeping bags can be constructed for the homeless. It is a very worthy cause.
We hope everyone enjoys having a longer weekend. Stay safe and take care! smiley
Primary 5/6 and Mrs Wehmeyer