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Primary 5/6  has really enjoyed all the fun activities on offer this week. The weather has also been great and has lifted everyone's spirits. 
In Maths we started looking at the short multiplication method using 2, 3, 4 and 5 digit numbers by one digit.  Everyone worked very hard in a pair and were able to show all the steps in their working out of the answers. 
We started preparing for our report writing lesson on the Queensferry Crossing by learning how to make notes from a piece of text. We used skimming and scanning techniques to find the most important information in a sentence and wrote it down using bullet points.
For our project we are finding out lots of interesting information about the construction of the Queensferry Crossing. We are so lucky to have three iconic bridges very close to Dunfermline.
We had lots of fun playing Run the Gauntlet for PE and  jumping in the thousands of Autumn leaves in the field. We took some super pictures throwing the leaves up into the air. The different leaf colours in the field has been amazing this week. Our playground has beautiful trees so we are lucky to have all the Autumn leaves to have some fun with.
A highlight of this week was the Outdoor Classroom Day.  Thank you to P5 for organising a litter picking slot and a treasure hunt for us in the morning.
We made arrays using multiplication and division and used natural materials to show these.
We completed our Autumn leaf symmetry art. We cut an Autumn leaf in half and had to create the other side using watercolours and coloured pencil to make the two sides look symmetrical.  We added one of our Autumn Haiku's that we wrote last week. It was great to sit and work on these in the bright, warm sunshine outside.
We completed our outdoor day with some sliding and pencil rolling down the embankment in the field. Everyone took a lot of care in being midndful of others during this activity and had super fun.  Happy smiling faces and lots of muddy clothing!
Today we took part in House Day and came dressed up in our House colours.  We worked on designing mascots for our houses and really enjoyed taking part in this activity. Thank you to the Primary 7's for all their support with this. We are looking forward to finding out who the winners are from our class.
The Social Target of the Week winner is Astra.  You always have a positive attitude towards your work in class. Well done!
We hope everyone has a fabulous, safe weekend!
Primary5/6 and Mrs Wehmeyer