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It is unbelievable to think that the first term in Primary 5/6 has gone by so quickly. The children have all worked very hard this term and they have been eager to be the best they can be. It has been a wonderful term. Well done boys and girls!  
In Numeracy we have looked at BIDMAS - order of operations calculations.  This means we had to use addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, all in one sum.  Everyone has successfully managed to do these calculations and enjoyed showing their working out. 
In P.E we had a go at a new game "Gauntlet". The children really enjoyed this game where they had to be fleet of foot and they also had to use evasion skills.
We have completed the green screen recordings of our sea animal booklets. Everyone spoke very confidently about their sea animals and showed off their super diagrams and drawings.
We also saw how the tilt of the earth causes seasons and learned two big words: Latitude and Longitude. 
Everyone has now completed their amazing "Take a Line for a Walk" artworks. They are simply amazing and they are just like endless mazes. Stunning! 
After a few weeks of work, our egg carton animal galleries are now also almost completed. They are so much fun and each little animal has their own character.  
We recognise the importance of taking care of our oceans and started to work on a poster with a strong message. The children used crisp packets and wrappers to include in their poster.  They are simply wonderful.
Today the winning House enjoyed the end of term treat by watching a movie in the hall.  Other children had the opportunity to bring in some games from home that they could play with classmates.
Thank you to everyone for donating to the Dunfermline Foodbank. All donations will be greatly welcomed. Thank you also for returning all Christmas card designs to school so that they can be sent off for printing.. 
A huge congratulations goes to Lewis Young who has shown a positive attitude towards his work and others this week.
We wish everyone a wonderful, relaxing holiday. Get outside and enjoy the beautiful colours of Autumn. It is such a wonderful time of the year.  Stay safe and take care!
Primary 5/6 and Mrs Wehmeyer