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It has been another very busy week in Primary 5/6.
Everyone has worked very well on all place value concepts and now have a much better understanding of value of digits in a number.  We moved onto column addition this week. First we worked without regrouping and then with regrouping using skinny felt tip markers to shown the carrying step.  All children have shown great enthusiasm and enjoyed the work.  Next week we will look at the correct lay-out of a column addition sum in our jotters. We also looked closely at the greater than, less than and equal concept.
There has been super research work regarding our sea animals and the children worked hard on creating a labelled diagram of their chosen animal for homework. We enjoyed finding out about the largest ocean in the world, the Atlantic. We were surprised to learn that the Atlantic makes up 23.5% of oceans of the world.  
For Health and Well-Being we enjoyed playing Basketball and we made sure we included everyone in our game by adapting the rules to suit everyone. We have really enjoyed doing the Daily Mile every day and we are getting a lot better at endurance and pacing our runs.
We wrote about our favourite animals in writing. We focused on why animals are special and on how they make us feel. 
We started creating an Abstract artwork using line, shapes and colour. We used the concept of "taking a line for a walk".  Children selected hot or cold colours to add into their artworks. We look forward to sharing these with you soon.
We wrote our silly alliterations sentences on strips of paper and drew a picture to go with it. 
Today we enjoyed taking part in Genes for Jeans Day activities in the hall. Thank you to Primary 5 for organising all the fun for us. 
Congratulations to Ryan Scott for being selected as Social Target winner of the week. 
Have a fantastic weekend!
Primary 5/6 and Mrs Wehmeyer