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It has been a brilliant week of learning in Primary 5/6 with lots of effort and enthusiasm shown by everyone!
We wrote imaginative stories about the Moon-Gazing Hare on Tuesday.
If you see a moon-gazing hare you will have good luck and fortune. This is according to pagan tradition. We focused on using a variety of figurative language skills like adjectives, alliteration, similes and onomatopoeia to describe. Some children even included an example of a metaphor. The children were really enjoying writing these stories and we are going to make books with illustrations that we can go and read to some of the younger children in the school. Well done P5/6!
In PE we used tennis balls to practice our catching and and throwing skills. We started the Daily Mile Challenge this week and we are getting better at pacing ourselves during our runs.
For Place Value we looked at adding and subtracting numbers mentally using rounding.  
We looked at the types of water we get on Earth and how much we use at school and in our homes for our project on Planet Earth. We were astonished to find out that 97% of the Earth is made up of water.
Our Zentangle sea shells are absolutely out of this world. We completed them in black pen on white card and used Brusho watercolour pigment powder. This created a mysterious, colourful, watery feeling in the background. Amazing artwork P5/6!
We created some very funny, silly sentences using alliteration which we plan to illustrate and display in our class. 
We wish everyone a relaxing weekend!
Primary5/6 - Mrs Wehmeyer