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It has been a very busy week in Primary 5/6 and everyone has worked very hard on completing their tasks in the set time. We looked at our school values of 'Respect, Resilence and Responsibilty' and had a thoughtful discussion about the meaning of all of these terms.

We have worked on layout in our maths jotters to make sure our work is organised, neat and tidy. Everyone has managed this very successfully. We continue to work on various aspects of place value like ordering and numbers before and after. Everyone has enjoyed working with an elbow partner and work has been of a high standard.
We are absolutely delighted with our completed animal leaf collage . This collage was made entirely with leaves of all different shapes and sizes and we sealed the leaves with white pva glue. 
We created continents and oceans booklets and learnt lots of interesting facts about the seven continents of the world. The "Exploring a Continent" pic collage homework was very creative. We also completed maps of the world. 
We enjoyed using the tyres for relay races on the field and started working on our endurance when we are running a longer distances. We looked at how to pace ourselves during our runs and we are looking forward to the Daily Mile School Challenge.
Creating Onomatopoeia words to describe sounds was a fun activity for all and we enjoyed guessing the sounds everyone came up with.
Silence descended upon the room with the introduction of Zentangling.  Everyone enjoyed the calming aspect of Zentangling or doodling and we are busy creating beautiful seashells with Brusho paint pigment backgrounds. The children have been so excited to see their shells developing and have been fully engrossed in this activity. We cannot wait to complete these.
Lots of fabulous homework has been uploaded onto Seesaw. Well done Primary5/6!
A warm welcomed goes to Ashton who is a new student in our class.. Everyone has made him feel very welcome and eager to show him around our class and school. 
We hope everyone has a restful weekend! Well done and thank you P5/6!
Primary 5/6 and Mrs Wehmeyer