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We have had a very interesting week in Primary 5/6. At the beginning of week we started growing Alum crystals. The pupils wrote out the instructions for each of the steps and then each made a glass jar containing a saturated solution of water and alum that hopefully given time will crystallise into alum crystals.

We also continued looking at script writing in literacy where the pupils focused on laying out their scripts correctly and giving clear stage directions to the characters in the story. We looked at what made an effective stage direction and the types of information that could be written in stage directions. We continued to read the Nowhere Emporium and analysed how different characters would feel based on the events in the most recent chapter. Pupils then used this information to inform their prediction of what they thought would happen in the next chapter.

In maths we continued to do a bit of work to build our confidence on changing between fractions, decimals and percentages in a variety of contexts and began to look at different strategies for finding percentages of different quantities of items, weights and money.

In art and design we continued to take our time to do the smaller details on our Zentangle pictures and in physical education pupils were looking at building their endurance and pacing themselves in a number of circuit drills as we start looking at fitness and athletics skills.

The pupils have also been working really hard practicing for their performance of Joseph. We have now practiced each of the scenes and the singing is really coming on a treat. Well done to all the pupils in the class as Mrs Baxter awarded the whole class a music star for their fantastic singing this week.

Hope everyone has a super weekend and I look forward to seeing everyone again on Monday.

Mr Gray