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And just like that the first full week in Primary 5/6 has flown by.  There has been super efforts with behaviour and work by everyone. We have also established an excellent routine. I have been very proud of the efforts shown by everyone.
There has been a lot of assessments completed this week ( Maths, Spelling, Writing )and I want to say well done to everyone on showing resilience and trying their very best with all of these. 
In Maths we looked at place value specifically partitioning and the value of digits in a number. We used a few different strategies to help us with rounding of numbers to 10.
For outdoor learning we have created animal leaf collages and they are just fantastic. The children really enjoyed constructing these.
We looked at the introduction part of The Blue Planet video narrated by David Attenborough and explored some of the weird and wonderful creatures that live in the deepest part of the ocean. We also gained lots of new information about the largest mammal on earth, the Blue Whale.
In Writing we completed our bio poems.
Thank you to everyone who has sent in some egg boxes for our animal galleries.  It is much appreciated.
Homework has been set in the Activity section of Seesaw and it is pleasing to see how many children have already posted  their work on Seesaw. Well done boys and girls! Please ensure you can access your child's folder from home.
Congratulations Jake King on winning the Social Target of the week award. You always listen well and have a positive growth mindset.
We hope everyone has a lovely weekend.
Primary 5/6 - Mrs Wehmeyer