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We've had a chilly but productive week in Primary 5.

In Literacy we continued our informal letter writing, learning to expand on the suitable content in a letter to a penpal. We are also developing our self check and editing skills; ensuring all correct punctuation is in use. On Thursday we completed a Word Challenge activity to support our understanding of vocabulary, Grammar and spelling based activites included recognising root words and definitions, prefixes and suffixes, spelling patterns, parts of vocabulary, syntax and dictionary skills. Our Scottish poem 'Up in the Morning Early' is coming on nicely and we should be ready to recite it in class next Tuesday and Wednesday. 

In Numeracy we focused on multi step word problems for division, in particular those with remainders. Please do encourage your child to keep practising their times tables as this will really support them in their work. We hope to move onto 'Time' next week, starting with revision work on 'minutes to ' and digital clocks. 

For our topic 'Wallace & Bruce' we created a timeline for the wars of independence and learned a little more about our two protagonists.We also watched a short video highlighting everyday life in a European medieval castle - not as much fun as you might think !!!! 

For Art we looked at sketches of William and Robert and hope to do more topic related art and craft too.

The hockey taster session on Tuesday went down extremely well with the children - they all came back to class exhausted and quite pink - and they are all looking forward to the second session next week. 

Unfortunately the class ipad continues to struggle with internet connection and it is proving problematic posting the children's work !! I apologise and will continue to post as much as possible. The school has reported the problem so hopefully we will have it sorted soon. 

Wishing everyone a lovely weeknd. Stay safe in the cold and icy conditions.