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I can't quite believe that we're fast approaching the end of Term Two already!! The children have worked really hard over the last few months and are definitely deserving of their holiday.The festive atmosphere is really beginning to build in school and we were delighted to be able to watch Wednesday's dress rehearsal of the P1 Nativity, ' A Present for the Baby' which was just wonderful. The children were all stars!!! We also enjoyed our Christmas Lunch this week which was delicious: who doesn't like turkey and chocolate ice cream ...? 

In Literacy we wrote some fabulous fantasy/adventure stories about what lay behind the mystery door in the tree trunk. We had so many amazing ideas and someone suggested it might be similar to Narnia, at the back of the wardrobe in 'The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe'. This prompted a discussion about the book and film and we discovered that the few who did know the story loved it. We have now decided to read the book as our next class novel which everyone is really excited about. We're already onto Chapter 3 !!!!!

In Numeracy we finished off our multiplication topic by working through some quite complex word problems. We'll continue to practise our tables in Term 3 to support us moving onto division. 

In Art we learned how to make Christmas star decorations using a paper straw and some string. We had good fun and we think they look pretty effective. In P.E. we had a last practise of the country dances for our party next week and played some games to end the term.

Friday afternoon rounded off the week with the end of term treat for the winning house. Well done all in Fire.

I'm sure that I don't need to remind you that next week is our last week of term. School finishes on Wednesday the 20th at 3.00pm. Before that we have our long anticipated Christmas party with Primary 4. It takes place on TUESDAY the 19th in the MORNING so children may wish to come to school already dressed for the occasion. Please be mindful that the children will be going outside at break and lunchtime on that day so a change of suitable clothing and footwear is strongly advised. 

Have a lovely weekend everyone.