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This week most Scholastic Book orders and Cauliflower Christmas orders have been handed out. If you are still waiting for a delivery, the school office will be in touch as soon as it arrives.

In Literacy we have enjoyed experiencing a variety of stimulus
(photos, short video clips, mystery objects ) to encourage and support us in our Writing. We continued to focus on 'connectives' this week and are doing well at constructing appropriate sentences. We hope to move onto 'sentence openers' next week. We have been doing work in class to consolidate our weekly spelling and are continuing with our group readers. Our class novel has reached the final stage and we are very keen to find out what happens to our main characters, Lampie and Edward.

In Numeracy we did revision work on 'money' at the beginning of the week, using the IT programme Topmarks to help recognise, collect and add coins and notes up to the value of £20. We then tackled some word problems, calculating change from various amounts.

In Art we have now started our craft for the Christmas Fayre and are very excited to share our finished 'masterpieces' with you. In P.E. we joined Primary 4 to have our first Scottish Country Dance practise, in preparation for our up and coming Christmas party. We have also started learning 3 new songs for our visit to the Fife Festival of Music in January. (alongside our homework practise for Fife's  BigSing in March ) We continued with BBC Dancemat in ICT to support the development of our typing and keyboard skills. 

It was lovely to round off the week wearing our Children in Need accessories in support of such a worthy charity. Thank you for your kind donations.

Wishing everyone a great weekend!